For updated publications and citations please visit Google Scholar page link:
- “Groundwater Technology Pollution and Transport.” Edited by Reza M. Khanbilvardi and John Fillos. Published by The City University of New York, New York City, 1985. 264 pgs.
- “Groundwater Hydrology, Contamination, and Remediation.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi and John Fillos (Editors). Published by Scientific Publications, Washington, D.C., 1986. 522 pgs.
- “Pollution, Risk Assessment, and Remediation in Groundwater System.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi and John Fillos (Editors). Published by Scientific Publications Co., Washington, D.C., 1987. 452 pgs.
- “Water Resources Infrastructure: Needs, Economics, and Financing.” John Scott and Reza M. Khanbilvardi (Editors). Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 1990, 205 pgs.
- “Infrastructure and Marketing in Water Resources.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi (Editor). Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY., 1988, 60 pgs.
- “Optimizing the Resources for Water Management.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi and Thomas Gooch (Editors). Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y. 1990, 810 pgs.
- “Advances in Groundwater”, Edited by Reza M. Khanbilvardi. Scientific Publications, Washington, D. C. , 1991, 220 pages.
- “Electrical Power Systems, Energy, Water Resources and Agriculture”, Edited by Reza M. Khanbilvardi and Ali Sadegh, Published by IAA,Inc., New York, 1996, 320 pages.
- “Science and Technology in Medicine and Engineering”, Volumes I and II, Edited by M. Rafi, R. M. Khanbilvardi, and A. M. Sadegh, Published by IAA Inc., New York 1997, 685 pages.
- “Research and Education Advancements inOceanic and Atmospheric Sciences”, Edited by Reza. M. Khanbilvardi and Shakila Merchant. Published by NOAA-CREST, New York, 2004, 551 pages.
- “Freshwater Demand and Shortages”,by R. Nazari, R. Khanbilvardi, H. Sergio, and S. Eslamian. A Chapeter in “Encyclopedia of Crisis Management”, Edited by Golson J. Geoffrey, Penuel K. Bradley, Statler Matt, and Hagen Ryan. SAGE Publications (Under review), 2012.
- “Water Reuse and Sustainability” by R. Nazari, Saied Eslamian, and R. Khanbilvardi. Chapter 11, in “Ecological Water Quality-Water Treatment and Reuse” Edited by Kostas Voudouris (ISBN 978-953-51-0508-4).InTEch Publications.2012. PP:241-255.
- “Using global land surface emissivity as soil moisture indicator”, By H. Norouzi, M. Temimi and R. Khanbilvardi , IAHS Publ. 352, Proceedings of a symposium held at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 2012 (In Press)
- Remote Sensing Data and Information for Hydrological Monitoring and Modeling” By, Reza Khanbilvardi, T. Lakhankar, N. Krakauer, R. Nazari, and A. Powell, in Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. 2014 Published by CRC Press.
- “Satellite-Based Systems for Flood Monitoring and Warning” By: R. Khanbilvardi, M. Temimi, J. Gourley, and A. Zahraei. in Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. 2014. Published by CRC Press.
Peer Reviewed journal publications:
- Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & Devineni, N. (2023). A review of recent advances in urban flood research. Water Security, 19, 100141.
- Juan P. Montoya-Rincon, Said A. Mejia-Manrique, Shams Azad, Masoud Ghandehari, Eric W. Harmsen, Reza Khanbilvardi & Jorge E. Gonzalez-Cruz. A socio-technical approach for the assessment of critical infrastructure system vulnerability in extreme weather events, in Nature Energy, 2023,
- Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & Devineni, N. (2022). A machine learning approach to evaluate the spatial variability of New York City’s 311 street flooding complaints. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 97, 101854.
- Agonafir C., Lakhankar T., Khanbilvardi T., Krakauer N., and Dave Radell (2022) A review of recent advances in urban flood modeling and mitigation techniques, accepted in Water Security.
- Bah, A. R., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Blake, R., Khanbilvardi, R., & Rosenzweig, C. (2022). Spatial Downscaling of GOES-R Land Surface Temperature over Urban Regions: A Case Study for New York City. Atmosphere, 13(2), 332.
- Sthapit, Engela, Tarendra Lakhankar, Mimi Hughes, Reza Khanbilvardi, Robert Cifelli, Kelly Mahoney, William Ryan Currier, Francesca Viterbo, and Arezoo Rafieeinasab. “Evaluation of Snow and Streamflows Using Noah-MP and WRF-Hydro Models in Aroostook River Basin, Maine.” Water 14, no. 14 (2022): 2145.
- Agonafir, C., Pabon, A. R., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., & Devineni, N. (2022). Understanding New York City street flooding through 311 complaints. Journal of Hydrology, 605, 127300.
- Mejia Manrique, S. A., Harmsen, E. W., Khanbilvardi, R. M., & González, J. E. (2021). Flood Impacts on Critical Infrastructure in a Coastal Floodplain in Western Puerto Rico during Hurricane María. Hydrology, 8(3), 104.
- Nouri, N., Devineni, N., Were, V., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2021). Explaining the trends and variability in the United States tornado records using climate teleconnections and shifts in observational practices. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-14.
- Sharifnezhad, Z., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Blake, R., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2021). Diurnal cycle of passive microwave brightness temperatures over land at a global scale. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 817.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Climate drives variability and joint variability of global crop yields. Science of The Total Environment 662, 361-372.
- Sharifnezhadazizi, Z., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Beale, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). A global analysis of land surface temperature diurnal cycle using MODIS observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(6), 1279-1291.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Anomalies in the US precipitation extremes and their association with different modes of climate variability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(13), 1605-1615.
- Al-Suhili, R., Cullen, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). An Urban Flash Flood Alert Tool for Megacities—Application for Manhattan, New York City, USA. Hydrology, 6(2), 56.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Data of variability and joint variability of global crop yields and their association with climate. Data in brief, 23, 103745.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Understanding the Space-Varying Trends in Global Extreme Precipitation. Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 187.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Climate drives variability and joint variability of global crop yields. Science of The Total Environment 662, 361-372.
- Sharifnezhadazizi, Z., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Beale, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). A global analysis of land surface temperature diurnal cycle using MODIS observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(6), 1279-1291.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Anomalies in the US precipitation extremes and their association with different modes of climate variability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(13), 1605-1615.
- Al-Suhili, R., Cullen, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). An Urban Flash Flood Alert Tool for Megacities—Application for Manhattan, New York City, USA. Hydrology, 6(2), 56.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Data of variability and joint variability of global crop yields and their association with climate. Data in brief, 23, 103745.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Understanding the Space-Varying Trends in Global Extreme Precipitation. Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 187.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. M. (2018). Diagnosing extreme drought characteristics across the globe. Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 121.
- Najafi, E., Devineni, N., Khanbilvardi, R. M., & Kogan, F. (2018). Understanding the Changes in Global Crop Yields Through Changes in Climate and Technology. Earth’s Future, 6(3), 410-427.
- Prakash, S., Norouzi, H., Azarderakhsh, M., Blake, R., Prigent, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2018). Estimation of Consistent Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivity from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(4), 907-919.
- Armal, S., Devineni, N., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2018). Trends in Extreme Rainfall Frequency in the Contiguous United States: Attribution to Climate Change and Climate Variability Modes. Journal of Climate, 31(1), 369-385.
- Golkar, F., Sabziparvar, A. A., Khanbilvardi, R., Nazemosadat, M. J., Zand-Parsa, S., & Rezaei, Y. (2018). Estimation of instantaneous air temperature using remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(1), 258-275.
- Karimi, M, Nazari, R., Dutova, D., Khanbilvardi, R., and Ghandehari, M. 2018. “ A Conceptual Framework for Environmental Risk and Social Vulnerability Assessment in Complex Urban Setting”, in Urban Climate 26:161-173
- Hamidi, A., Devineni, N., Booth, J. F., Hosten, A., Ferraro, R. R., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2017). Classifying Urban Rainfall Extremes Using Weather Radar Data An Application to the Greater New York Area. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(3), 611-623.
- Karimi, M., Vant-Hull, B., Nazari, R., Mittenzwei, M., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2017). Predicting surface temperature variation in urban settings using real-time weather forecasts. Urban Climate, 20, 192-201.
- Kraatz, S.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Romanov, P. A Comparison of MODIS/VIIRS Cloud Masks over Ice-Bearing River On Achieving Consistent Cloud Masking and Improved River Ice Mapping. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 229.
- Pérez Díaz, C. L., Muñoz, J., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., & Romanov, P. (2017). Proof of Concept Development of Snow Liquid Water Content Profiler Using CS650 Reflectometers at Caribou, ME, USA. Sensors, 17(3), 647.
- Pérez-Díaz, C. L., Lakhankar, T., Romanov, P., Muñoz, J., Khanbilvardi, R., & Yu, Y. (2017). Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature with in-situ snow surface temperature from CREST-SAFE. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(16), 4722-4740.
- Prakash, S., Norouzi, H., Azarderakhsh, M., Blake, R., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2017). Potential of satellite‐based land emissivity estimates for the detection of high‐latitude freeze and thaw states. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(5), 2336-2342.
- Seo Dugwon, Tarendra Lakhankar, Brian Cosgrove, Reza Khanbilvardi, Xiwu Zhan, (2017) Applying SMOS soil moisture data into the National Weather Service (NWS)’s Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) for flash flood guidance application, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 8, Pages 182-192,
- Pérez Hoyos, Isabel, Nir Krakauer, Reza Khanbilvardi, and Roy Armstrong. 2016. “A Review of Advances in the Identification and Characterization of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Using Geospatial Technologies.” Geosciences 6 (2). doi:10.3390/geosciences6020017.
- Pérez Hoyos, Isabel, Nir Krakauer, and Reza Khanbilvardi. 2016. “Estimating the Probability of an Ecosystem to Be Groundwater Dependent Based on the Evaluation of Tree Models.” Environments. doi:10.3390/environments3020009.
- Etienne, E., Devineni, N., Khanbilvardi, R., Lall, U., (2016), Development of a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and its Application for Agriculture over the Conterminous United States. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 219–229. doi:
- S. Kraatz, R. Khanbilvardi, P. Romanov. 2016. River ice monitoring with MODIS: Application over Lower Susquehanna River. Cold Regions Science and Technology.131, 116-128.
- Ousmane Sy Savane *, Brian Vant-Hull, Reza Khanbilvardi, Shayesteh E. Mahani (2015). “Effects of Aerosol on Cloud Liquid Water Path: Statistical Method a Potential Source for Divergence in Past Observation Based Correlative Studies” Atmosphere 2015, 6(3), 273-298; doi:10.3390/atmos6030273
- Tesfagiorgis, K. B., Mahani, S. E., Krakauer, N. Y., Norouzi, H., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2015). Evaluation of radar precipitation estimates near gap regions: a case study in the Colorado River basin. Remote Sensing Letters, 6(2), 165-174.
- Norouzi, H., Temimi, M., AghaKouchak, A., Azarderakhsh, M., Khanbilvardi, R., Shields, G., & Tesfagiorgis, K. (2015). Inferring land surface parameters from the diurnal variability of microwave and infrared temperatures. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 83, 28-35.
- Karimi Maryam, R. Nazari, B. Vant-Hull, and R. Khanbilvardi., 2015. “Urban Heat Island Assessment with Temperature Maps Using High Resolution Datasets Measured at Street Level” The International Journal of the Constructed Environment. Vol. 6, Issue 4, Pp:17-28.
- Infante Corona Jose A., J. Nunoz, T. Lakhankar, P. Romanov, and R. Khanbilvardi, 2015. Evaluation of the Snow Thermal Model (SNTHERM) through Continuous In Situ Observations of Snow’s Physical Properties at the CREST-SAFE Field Experiment”, Journal of GeoSciences. Issue 5. Open Access. ISSN 2076-3263.
- Pérez Hoyos, Isabel, Nir Krakauer, and Reza Khanbilvardi. 2015. “Random Forest for Identification and Characterization of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems.” WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 196: 89–100. doi:10.2495/WRM150081.
- Infante Corona, Jose A., T. Lakhankar, Soni Pradhanang, and Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014. “Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Weather Forcing Data Analysis for Streamflow Simulation”. Journal of Hydrology 2014, 1, 89-111; doi:10.3390/hydrology1010089
- Brian Vant-Hull, Maryam Karimi, Awolou Sossa, Jade Wisanto, Rouzbeh Nazari, Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014. “Fine structure in manhattan’s daytime urban heat island: a new dataset”, Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 8., N.1 (2014).
- Reza Khanbilvardi, Tarendra Lakhankar, Nir Krakauer , Rouzbeh Nazari , and Al Powell, 2014) Remote Sensing Data and Information for Hydrological Monitoring and Modeling, Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Edited by Saeid Eslamian Edited by Saeid Eslamian, CRC Press 2014, Pages 505–516, Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5246-3, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-5247-0, DOI: 10.1201/b16683-25.
- Reza Khanbilvardi, Marouane Temimi, Jonathan Gourley, and Ali Zahraee (2014) Satellite- Based Systems for Flood Monitoring and Warning, Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Edited by Saeid Eslamian, CRC Press, Pages 515–530, Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5241-8, DOI: 10.1201/b15625-26.
- Al-Suhili, Rafa, and Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014, “A Multi-Variables Multi-Sites Hydrological Model Using Relative Correlations”, American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.3, Issue 6, PP:154-168
- Al-Suhili, Rafa and Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014, “Frequency Analysis of the Monthly Rainfall Data at Sulaimania Region, Iraq”, American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Pp: 212-222.
- “Remote Sensing Data and Information for Hydrological Monitoring and Modeling” By Reza Khanbilvardi, T. Lakhankar, A. Powell, and R. Nazari, in Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. CRC Press, Published March 21, 2014.
- Lakhankar, T. Y., Muñoz, J., Romanov, P., Powell, A. M., Krakauer, N. Y., Rossow, W. B., & R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013). CREST-Snow Field Experiment: analysis of snowpack properties using multi-frequency microwave remote sensing data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(2), 783-793.
- Seo, D., Lakhankar, T., Mejia, J., Cosgrove, B., & R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013). Evaluation of Operational National Weather Service Gridded Flash Flood Guidance over the Arkansas Red River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 49(6), 1296-1307.
- Munoz J., J. Infante, T. Lakhankar, R. Khanbilvardi, P. Romanov, N. Krakauer, and A. Powell (2013) Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing for Snow Cover and Snow Water Equivalent Estimation, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, ISSN: 2231–4784, Vol.: 3, Issue: 4 (Special Issue).
- Chaouch, N., Leconte, R., Magagi, R., Temimi, M., & R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013). Multi-stage inversion method to retrieve soil moisture from passive microwave measurements over the Mackenzie River basin. Vadose Zone Journal, 12(3). vzj2012.0134.
- Temimi M., T. Lakhankar, X. Zhan, M. Cosh, N. Krakauer, A. Fares, V. Kelly, R. Khanbilvardi, and L. Kumassi (2013) .”Soil Moisture Retriveval Using Using Ground-Based L-Band Passive Microwave Observations in Northeastern USA”,, Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/ vzj2013.06.0101
- Medeiros, Stephen C., Scott C. Hagen, Naira Chaouch, Jesse Feyen, Marouane Temimi, John F. Weishampel, Yuji Funakoshi, and Reza Khanbilvardi. (2013) “Assessing the Performance of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Tidal Model Using Satellite Imagery.” Remote Sensing 5, no. 11: 5662-5679.
- Lakhankar T., Azar A.E., Shahroudi N., Powell A. and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), Analysis of the Effects of Snowpack Properties on Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature and Emissivity Data, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, 101, doi: 10.4172/jgrs.1000101
- Chaouch, N., Temimi, M., Romanov, P., Cabrera, R., McKillop, G. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2012), An automated algorithm for river ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River using the MODIS data. Hydrol. Process.. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9548
- Chaouch, N., Temimi, M., Hagen, S., Weishampel, J., Medeiros, S. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2012), A synergetic use of satellite imagery from SAR and optical sensors to improve coastal flood mapping in the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrol. Process., 26: 1617–1628. doi: 10.1002/hyp.8268.
- Vega-Martinez, Z., Temimi, M., Anderson, m. C., Hain, C., Krakauer, N., Rabin, R., & Khanbilvardi, r. (2012). Towards a better monitoring of soil moisture using a combination of estimates from passive microwave and thermal observations. IAHS-AISH publication, 42-45.
- Stuart Gaffen, Cynthia Rozenzweig, Reza Khanbilvardi, Danielle Grillo, Adam Freed, and Emma Hartung, 2012.”Bright is the new black-multi-year performance of generic high-albedo roofs in an urban climate”.In Environmental Research Letters, 7 (2012) 014029 (12pp). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014029.
- Norouzi H. Temimi M. Azarderakhsh M. Khanbilvardi R. (2012) Using Microwave Brightness Temperature Diurnal Cycle To Improve Emissivity Retrievals Over Land. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 123, August 2012, Pages 470-482.
- Chen C., Lakhankar T., Romanov P., Helfrich S., Powell A., Khanbilvardi R. (2012) Validation of NOAA-Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) by Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements over Continental United States. Remote Sensing. 4(5):1134-1145.
- Lakhankar T., J. Munoz, P. Romanov, A. M. Powell, N. Krakauer, W. Rossow, and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), CREST‐Snow Field Experiment: analysis of snowpack properties using multi‐frequency microwave remote sensing data, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 8105–8136.
- S R Gaffin, M Imhoff, C Rosenzweig, R Khanbilvardi, A Pasqualini, A Y Y Kong, D Grillo, A Freed, D Hillel and E Hartung (2012) Bright is the new black—multi-year performance of high-albedo roofs in an urban climate, Environmental Research Letters, 7 014029
doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014029 - Chaouch, N., Temimi, M., Romanov, P., Cabrera, R., McKillop, G. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2012), An automated algorithm for river ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River using the MODIS data. Hydrol. Process.. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9548
- Lakhankar T., Azar A.E., Shahroudi N., Powell A. and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), Analysis of the Effects of Snowpack Properties on Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature and Emissivity Data, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, !:101, doi: 10.4172/jgrs.1000101
- Norouzi, H., Rossow, W., M., T., Prigent, C., Azarderakhsh, M., Boukabara, S.A., Khanbilvardi, R., Using Microwave Brightness Temperature Diurnal Cycle To Improve Emissivity Retrievals Over Land. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 470-482, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2012.04.015, 2012
- “Water Reuse and Sustainability” by R. Nazari, Saied Eslamian, and R. Khanbilvardi. Chapter 11, in “Ecological Water Quality-Water Treatment and Reuse” Edited by Kostas Voudouris (ISBN 978-953-51-0508-4). InTEch Publications.2012. PP:241-255.
- “Satellite-Based Systems for Flood Monitoring Warning” By: R. Khanbilvardi, M. Temimi, J. Gourley, and A. Zahraei. in Handbook of Engineerin Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. Published in 2014, eBook ISBN 9781466552364
- Norouzi, H., M. Temimi, W. Rossow, C. Pearl, M. Azarderakhsh, R. Khanbilvardi, “The Sensitivity of Land Emissivity Estimates from AMSR-E at C and X Bands to Surface Properties”, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 3577-3589, doi:10.5194/hess-15-3577-2011, 2011.
- Azarderakhsh, M., W. Rossow, F. Papa, H. Norouzi, R. Khanbilvardi, “Diagnosing water variations within the Amazon basin using satellite data”, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JD015997, 2011.
- Temimi, M., Lacava, T., Lakhankar, T., Tramutoli, V., Ghedira, H., Ata, R. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2011), A multi-temporal analysis of AMSR-E data for flood and discharge monitoring during the 2008 flood in Iowa. Hydrological Processes, 25: 2623–2634. doi: 10.1002/hyp.8020
- Temimi M., Romanov P., Ghedira H., Khanbilvardi R., Smith K., (2011) Sea-ice monitoring over the Caspian Sea using geostationary satellite data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, (6).
- Nazari, R. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2011) Application of dynamic threshold in sea and lake ice mapping and monitoring, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, pp.37–46.
- Temimi, M., R. Leconte, N. Chaouch, P. Sukumal, R. Khanbilvardi, and F. Brissette., (2010). “A Combination of Remote Sensing Data and Topographic Attributes for the Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Soil Wetness”, Journal of Hydrology Vol. 388, pp:28-40.
- Seo D., Lakhankar T., and R. Khanbilvardi, (2010) Sensitivity Analysis of b-factor in Microwave Emission Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval: A Case Study for SMAP Mission.Remote Sensing. 2(5):1273-1286.
- Lakhankar T., Jones A.S., Combs C.L., Sengupta M., Vonder Haar T.H., and R. Khanbilvardi (2010) “Analysis of Large Scale Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture Using a Geostatistical Method Sensors, Vol. 10(1), pages 913-932.
- Lakhnakar T., Krakauer N.Y., R Khanbilvardi (2009), Applications of microwave remote sensing of soil moisture for agricultural application International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering, Vol. 2(1), pages 81-91.
- Lakhankar, T., H. Ghedira, M. Temimi, M. Senqupta, R. Khanbilvardi, and R. Blake (2009), “Non-Parametric Methods for Soil Moisture Retrieval from Satellite Remote Sensing Data” Remote Sensing, 1(1), 3-21.
- Lakhankar T., Ghedira H., Temimi M., Azar A.E., and R. Khanbilvardi, (2009) “Effect of Land Cover Heterogeneity on Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data”, Remote Sensing, ISSN 2072-4292.
- Gaffin S.R., Khanbilvardi R. and C. Rosenzweig (2009), “Development of a Green Roof Environmental Monitoring and Meteorological Network in New York City”, Sensors, 9(4), 2647-2660.
- Tang, H.S., T.R. Keen, and R. Khanbilvardi, (2009). “A Model-Coupling Framework for Nearshore Waves, Currents, Sediment Transport, and Seabed Morphology”. Journal of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Elsevier Publication, Vol. 14, Issue 7, pp: 2935-2947.
- Mahani, S., and R. Khanbilvardi. (2009). “Improving Sensed Rainfall Estimates Over Radar Gap Areas by Merging with Radar Rainfall”, International Journal of Terra Science and Technology, Vol.1, No. 1. Pp:9-20.
- Mahani Shayesteh E., Reza Khanbilvardi, (2009). “Generating Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimates over Radar Gap Areas”, in the WSEAS Journal of World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEM. ID number: 28- 768S, Issue 1, Volume 1.
- Azar, A.E., D. Seo, A. Powell, and R. Khanbilvardi. (2009). “Analysis and Estimation of Snowpack Properties Using CLPX Data”, International Journal of Terra Science and Technology,Issue 1, Volume 1, March 2009.
- Gaffin, SR, Rosenzweig C, Khanbilvardi, R, Mahani, S, Glickman H and R Blake, “Mitigating New York City’s Urban Heat Island In the Era of Global Warming,” In Press at: Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geotechnical Practice Publications Book on “Urban Soil and Water in NYC,” Year 2008
- E Azar, Amir, Ghedira H., Romavov P., Mahani, S., Tedesco, M., Khanbilvardi, R. (2008) Application of Satellite Microwave Images in Estimating Snow Water Equivalent for Flood Forecasting,” Journal of American Water Resource Associations (JAWRA).Vol. 44, No. 6 Pp:1347-1362.
- S. R. Gaffin, C. Rosenzweig, R. Khanbilvardi, L. Parshall, S.Mahani, H. Glickman, R. Goldberg, R. Blake, R. B. Slosberg and D.Hillel. (2008). “Variations in New York City’s Urban Heat Island Strength Over Time and Space” Journal of Theoretical And Applied Climatology.Vol.94, No.1-2, Pp:1-11
- Reza Khanbilvardi, Vladimir Kushnir, and Sergey Stanichny. (2008). “Optical inhomogeneities of water medium in the New York coastal zone derived from multispectral satellite imageryjournal”, Journal of Research of the Earth from space, Russian Academy of Sciences. No. 3, pp1-13.
- Shteinman, B., D. Wynne, R. Khanbilvardi, and M. Inbar, (2002). “Studies of Sediment Transport in the Jordan River Mouth using Fluorescent Tracer Methods”, in River Flow 2002, Volume 2, Bousmar & Zech (editors), Swets & Zeillinger, Lisse Publishing house. ISBN 90 5809 509 6, pp: 1159-1164.
- Stern ,David, Reza Khanbilvardi, Lorraine Janus, and Yuri Gorokhovich, (2001). “Description of Flow Through a Natural Wetland Using Tracer Tests”, in Ecological Engineering. Vol. 18, Issue 2, December , pp: 173-184.
- Blake, Reginald, Reza Khanbilvardi, and Cynthia Rosenzweig, (2001). “Hydrological Modeling of a Karstic Watershed Model vs. The GISS Land-Surface Model”, Journal of Water Resources Association (Vol. 37, No.2).
- Blake, Reginald, Reza M. Khanbilvardi, and Cynthia Rosenzweig, (2000). “Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on New York Cities Water Supply System”, Journal of American Water Resources Association, 36(2), pp. 279 – 292
- Khanbilvardi, R., V.M. Shestopalov, I.P.Onishchenko, E.Yu.Petrenko, A.G.Topor, (2000). Mathematical Simulation of the Planar Migration of Radionuclides within Agricultural Watersheds. Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny (in Ukrainian).
- Khanbilvardi, R., E. Petrenko, A. Topor, (2000). Mathematical Simulation of the Transport of Radionuclides by Water Erosion in Zones of Global Anthropogenic Impact. // Zbirka NIISP Derzhbudu Ukrayiny. (in Ukrainian).
- Gorokhovich, Yuri, Reza M. Khanbilvardi, Lorraine Janus, Victor Goldsmith, and David Stern, (2000). “Spatially Distributed Modeling of Stream Flow During Storm Events”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol. 36, No. 3. pp:1-17.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., V. Shestopalov, I. Onishchenko, V. Bublyas, and V. Gudzenko, (1999), “Role of Erosion Processes in Transfer of Radionuclides: Results of Field Experiments”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol.35, No. 4, Pp: 887-898.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., (1999). ”How Innovative, Cost-Effective Technologies Can Help Protect the World’s Supply of Fresh Drinking Water”, Journal of Environmental Law and Practices, Vol.6, No. 4. Pp: 57-60.
- Tietjen, J. H. Reza M. Khanbilvardi, Y. Gopchenko, and P. Kulakova, (1999). ”Bilogical Water Quality Assessment of Macroinvertebrates Inhabiting Small Streams in the Sasyk Reservoir Region of Ukraine”, in Environmental Practice, Journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals, Vol. 1, No. 2, Pp: 97-101.
- Blake, Reginald A., Reza M. Khanbilvardi, Lin Ferrand, Cynthia Rosenzweig, and David Rind, (1996). ”Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Jamaica’s Rio Cobre River Basin”, Journal of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, vol. 2, 20.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M. and Shahriar Afshari, (1995). “ Sludge Ash as a Fine Aggregate for Concrete Mix.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 9, pp:633-638.
- Ahmed, S., R.M.Khanbilvardi and P.J. Gleason, (1995). “Flow Investigation For Landfill Leachate (FILL).” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, vol. 121, No. 1, pp. 45-57.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., Shabbir Ahmed and Ali M.Sadegh, (1992). “Boundary Integral Solutions to Unsaturated Moisture Flow Equation.” Water Resources Research, vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1425-1434.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M. and Shabbir Ahmed, (1992). “A Model for Managing Groundwater Withdrawal.” International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.16, No.1, pp.15-28.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M.Khanbilvardi and Phillip J.Gleason, (1992). “Occurrence and Distribution of Leachate in a Solid Waste Landfill: A Field Scale Study.” International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 279-285.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M. Khanbilvardi and Ali M.Sadegh, (1992). “Unsteady Unsaturated Moisture Flow in Porous Media: Boundary Integral vs. Finite Difference Solutions.” Journal of Water Resources Engineering, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 65-86.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., Shabbir Ahmed, John Fillos and Phillip Gleason, (1991). “Two-Dimensional Leachate Estimation Through Landfill. 2 – Numerical Solution”, In: “Advances in Groundwater”, Scientific Publication, Washington, D.C., pp. 83-124.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M.Khanbilvardi, John Fillos and Phllip J.Gleason, (1991). “Two-Dimensional Leachate Estimation Through Landfills.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 118, No. 2, pp: 306-322.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M.Khanbilvardi, John Fillos and Phillip Gleason, (1991). “Two- Dimensional Leachate Estimation Through Landfill. 1 – Theoretical Considerations”, In: “Advances in Groundwater”, Scientific Publication, Washington, D.C., pp. 51-82.
- Khanbilvardi, R.M., A.S.Rogowski and D.L.Jones, (1991). “Evaluation of Point Erosion on Plots Receiving Simulated Rainfall.” Ir. Jour. of Science and Technology, vol.16, No.2&3, pp. 197-214.
- Rogowski, A.S., B.E.Weinrich and R.M. Khanbilvardi, (1990). “A Nonparametric Approach To Potential Erosion on Mined and Reclaimed Areas”. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol.45, No.3, pp. 408-411.
- Khanbilvardi, R.M., (1988). “Erosion Control on Surface Mined Watersheds: A Modeling Approach.” Journal of Water International, vol. 13, No.4, pp. 212-217.
- Toussi, S. and R.M.Khanbilvardi, (1988). “Dempster’s Rule of Combination in Soil Loss Prediction.” Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management, ASCE. Vol. 114, No. 4. pp:432 445.
- Dharamdial, R. and R.M. Khanbilvardi, (1988). “A Conceptual Model for River Bank Erosion“. Journal of Water International, vol. 13, No.3, pp. 154-160.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M., M.W. Akhtar and A. S. Rogowski, (1988). “Low Flow Local Scour for Cylindrical Objects.” Journal of Water International, vol. 24, No.4, pp. 839-846.
- Khanbilvardi, R., John Fillos and S.Ahmed, (1987). “Leachate Estimation in Landfill Sites.” In: “Pollution, Risk Assessment and Remediation in Groundwater Systems”, Khanbilvardi and Fillos (Editors),Scientific Publication Co.,Washington,D.C., pp:321-336. 23.
- Khanbilvardi, R.M. and A.S.Rogowski, (1986). “Modeling Soil Erosion, Transport and Deposition.” Journal of Ecological Modeling, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Vol. 33, pp. 255 268.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., (1986). “Modeling Groundwater Flow”, In: “Groundwater Hydrology, Contamination and Remediation”, Khanbilvardi and Fillos (Editors), Scientific Publication Co., Washington, D.C., pp.365-382. 22.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M. and D. A. Long, (1985). “Effect of Soil Depth on Waste Water Renovation.” Journal of Environmental Health, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 184-188.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M. and Andrew S. Rogowski, (1984). “Mathematical Model of Erosion and Deposition on a Watershed.” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), 27 (1): 73-79, 83.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M. and A. S. Rogowski, (1984). “Quantitative Evaluation of Sediment Delivery Ratios.” Journal of Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 865 874.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M., Andrew S.Rogowski and Arthur C. Miller, (1983). “Predicting Erosion and Deposition on a Stripmined and Reclaimed Area.” Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 585 593.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M., A. S. Rogowski and Arthur C. Miller (1983) “Modeling Upland Erosion” Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 19 35.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M., (1983). “Soil Erosion from Upland Areas”, Ph.D. Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- “Groundwater Technology Pollution and Transport.” Edited by Reza M. Khanbilvardi and John Fillos. Published by The City University of New York, New York City, 1985. 264 pgs.
- “Groundwater Hydrology, Contamination, and Remediation.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi and John Fillos (Editors). Published by Scientific Publications, Washington, D.C., 1986. 522 pgs.
- “Pollution, Risk Assessment, and Remediation in Groundwater System.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi and John Fillos (Editors). Published by Scientific Publications Co., Washington, D.C., 1987. 452 pgs.
- “Water Resources Infrastructure: Needs, Economics, and Financing.” John Scott and Reza M. Khanbilvardi (Editors). Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 1990, 205 pgs.
- “Infrastructure and Marketing in Water Resources.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi (Editor). Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY., 1988, 60 pgs.
- “Optimizing the Resources for Water Management.” Reza M. Khanbilvardi and Thomas Gooch (Editors). Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y. 1990, 810 pgs.
- “Advances in Groundwater”, Edited by Reza M. Khanbilvardi. Scientific Publications, Washington, D. C. , 1991, 220 pages.
- “Electrical Power Systems, Energy, Water Resources and Agriculture”, Edited by Reza M. Khanbilvardi and Ali Sadegh, Published by IAA,Inc., New York, 1996, 320 pages.
- “Science and Technology in Medicine and Engineering”, Volumes I and II, Edited by M. Rafi, R. M. Khanbilvardi, and A. M. Sadegh, Published by IAA Inc., New York 1997, 685 pages.
- “Research and Education Advancements inOceanic and Atmospheric Sciences”, Edited by Reza. M. Khanbilvardi and Shakila Merchant. Published by NOAA-CREST, New York, 2004, 551 pages.
- “Freshwater Demand and Shortages”,by R. Nazari, R. Khanbilvardi, H. Sergio, and S. Eslamian. A Chapeter in “Encyclopedia of Crisis Management”, Edited by Golson J. Geoffrey, Penuel K. Bradley, Statler Matt, and Hagen Ryan. SAGE Publications (Under review), 2012.
- “Water Reuse and Sustainability” by R. Nazari, Saied Eslamian, and R. Khanbilvardi. Chapter 11, in “Ecological Water Quality-Water Treatment and Reuse” Edited by Kostas Voudouris (ISBN 978-953-51-0508-4).InTEch Publications.2012. PP:241-255.
- “Using global land surface emissivity as soil moisture indicator”, By H. Norouzi, M. Temimi and R. Khanbilvardi , IAHS Publ. 352, Proceedings of a symposium held at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 2012 (In Press)
- Remote Sensing Data and Information for Hydrological Monitoring and Modeling” By, Reza Khanbilvardi, T. Lakhankar, N. Krakauer, R. Nazari, and A. Powell, in Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. 2014 Published by CRC Press.
- “Satellite-Based Systems for Flood Monitoring and Warning” By: R. Khanbilvardi, M. Temimi, J. Gourley, and A. Zahraei. in Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. 2014. Published by CRC Press.
Peer Reviewed journal publications:
- Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & Devineni, N. (2023). A review of recent advances in urban flood research. Water Security, 19, 100141.
- Juan P. Montoya-Rincon, Said A. Mejia-Manrique, Shams Azad, Masoud Ghandehari, Eric W. Harmsen, Reza Khanbilvardi & Jorge E. Gonzalez-Cruz. A socio-technical approach for the assessment of critical infrastructure system vulnerability in extreme weather events, in Nature Energy, 2023,
- Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & Devineni, N. (2022). A machine learning approach to evaluate the spatial variability of New York City’s 311 street flooding complaints. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 97, 101854.
- Agonafir C., Lakhankar T., Khanbilvardi T., Krakauer N., and Dave Radell (2022) A review of recent advances in urban flood modeling and mitigation techniques, accepted in Water Security.
- Bah, A. R., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Blake, R., Khanbilvardi, R., & Rosenzweig, C. (2022). Spatial Downscaling of GOES-R Land Surface Temperature over Urban Regions: A Case Study for New York City. Atmosphere, 13(2), 332.
- Sthapit, Engela, Tarendra Lakhankar, Mimi Hughes, Reza Khanbilvardi, Robert Cifelli, Kelly Mahoney, William Ryan Currier, Francesca Viterbo, and Arezoo Rafieeinasab. “Evaluation of Snow and Streamflows Using Noah-MP and WRF-Hydro Models in Aroostook River Basin, Maine.” Water 14, no. 14 (2022): 2145.
- Agonafir, C., Pabon, A. R., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., & Devineni, N. (2022). Understanding New York City street flooding through 311 complaints. Journal of Hydrology, 605, 127300.
- Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & Devineni, N. (2023). A review of recent advances in urban flood research. Water Security, 19, 100141.
- Juan P. Montoya-Rincon, Said A. Mejia-Manrique, Shams Azad, Masoud Ghandehari, Eric W. Harmsen, Reza Khanbilvardi & Jorge E. Gonzalez-Cruz. A socio-technical approach for the assessment of critical infrastructure system vulnerability in extreme weather events, in Nature Energy, 2023,
- Agonafir, C., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Krakauer, N., Radell, D., & Devineni, N. (2022). A machine learning approach to evaluate the spatial variability of New York City’s 311 street flooding complaints. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 97, 101854.
- Agonafir C., Lakhankar T., Khanbilvardi T., Krakauer N., and Dave Radell (2022) A review of recent advances in urban flood modeling and mitigation techniques, accepted in Water Security.
- Bah, A. R., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Blake, R., Khanbilvardi, R., & Rosenzweig, C. (2022). Spatial Downscaling of GOES-R Land Surface Temperature over Urban Regions: A Case Study for New York City. Atmosphere, 13(2), 332.
- Sthapit, Engela, Tarendra Lakhankar, Mimi Hughes, Reza Khanbilvardi, Robert Cifelli, Kelly Mahoney, William Ryan Currier, Francesca Viterbo, and Arezoo Rafieeinasab. “Evaluation of Snow and Streamflows Using Noah-MP and WRF-Hydro Models in Aroostook River Basin, Maine.” Water 14, no. 14 (2022): 2145.
- Agonafir, C., Pabon, A. R., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., & Devineni, N. (2022). Understanding New York City street flooding through 311 complaints. Journal of Hydrology, 605, 127300.
- Mejia Manrique, S. A., Harmsen, E. W., Khanbilvardi, R. M., & González, J. E. (2021). Flood Impacts on Critical Infrastructure in a Coastal Floodplain in Western Puerto Rico during Hurricane María. Hydrology, 8(3), 104.
- Nouri, N., Devineni, N., Were, V., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2021). Explaining the trends and variability in the United States tornado records using climate teleconnections and shifts in observational practices. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-14.
- Sharifnezhad, Z., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Blake, R., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2021). Diurnal cycle of passive microwave brightness temperatures over land at a global scale. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 817.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Climate drives variability and joint variability of global crop yields. Science of The Total Environment 662, 361-372.
- Sharifnezhadazizi, Z., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Beale, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). A global analysis of land surface temperature diurnal cycle using MODIS observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(6), 1279-1291.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Anomalies in the US precipitation extremes and their association with different modes of climate variability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(13), 1605-1615.
- Al-Suhili, R., Cullen, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). An Urban Flash Flood Alert Tool for Megacities—Application for Manhattan, New York City, USA. Hydrology, 6(2), 56.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Data of variability and joint variability of global crop yields and their association with climate. Data in brief, 23, 103745.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Understanding the Space-Varying Trends in Global Extreme Precipitation. Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 187.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Climate drives variability and joint variability of global crop yields. Science of The Total Environment 662, 361-372.
- Sharifnezhadazizi, Z., Norouzi, H., Prakash, S., Beale, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). A global analysis of land surface temperature diurnal cycle using MODIS observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(6), 1279-1291.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Anomalies in the US precipitation extremes and their association with different modes of climate variability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(13), 1605-1615.
- Al-Suhili, R., Cullen, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). An Urban Flash Flood Alert Tool for Megacities—Application for Manhattan, New York City, USA. Hydrology, 6(2), 56.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Data of variability and joint variability of global crop yields and their association with climate. Data in brief, 23, 103745.
- Armal, S., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2019). Understanding the Space-Varying Trends in Global Extreme Precipitation. Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 187.
- Najafi, E., Pal, I., & Khanbilvardi, R. M. (2018). Diagnosing extreme drought characteristics across the globe. Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 121.
- Najafi, E., Devineni, N., Khanbilvardi, R. M., & Kogan, F. (2018). Understanding the Changes in Global Crop Yields Through Changes in Climate and Technology. Earth’s Future, 6(3), 410-427.
- Prakash, S., Norouzi, H., Azarderakhsh, M., Blake, R., Prigent, C., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2018). Estimation of Consistent Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivity from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(4), 907-919.
- Armal, S., Devineni, N., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2018). Trends in Extreme Rainfall Frequency in the Contiguous United States: Attribution to Climate Change and Climate Variability Modes. Journal of Climate, 31(1), 369-385.
- Golkar, F., Sabziparvar, A. A., Khanbilvardi, R., Nazemosadat, M. J., Zand-Parsa, S., & Rezaei, Y. (2018). Estimation of instantaneous air temperature using remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(1), 258-275.
- Karimi, M, Nazari, R., Dutova, D., Khanbilvardi, R., and Ghandehari, M. 2018. “ A Conceptual Framework for Environmental Risk and Social Vulnerability Assessment in Complex Urban Setting”, in Urban Climate 26:161-173
- Hamidi, A., Devineni, N., Booth, J. F., Hosten, A., Ferraro, R. R., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2017). Classifying Urban Rainfall Extremes Using Weather Radar Data An Application to the Greater New York Area. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(3), 611-623.
- Karimi, M., Vant-Hull, B., Nazari, R., Mittenzwei, M., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2017). Predicting surface temperature variation in urban settings using real-time weather forecasts. Urban Climate, 20, 192-201.
- Kraatz, S.; Khanbilvardi, R.; Romanov, P. A Comparison of MODIS/VIIRS Cloud Masks over Ice-Bearing River On Achieving Consistent Cloud Masking and Improved River Ice Mapping. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 229.
- Pérez Díaz, C. L., Muñoz, J., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., & Romanov, P. (2017). Proof of Concept Development of Snow Liquid Water Content Profiler Using CS650 Reflectometers at Caribou, ME, USA. Sensors, 17(3), 647.
- Pérez-Díaz, C. L., Lakhankar, T., Romanov, P., Muñoz, J., Khanbilvardi, R., & Yu, Y. (2017). Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature with in-situ snow surface temperature from CREST-SAFE. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(16), 4722-4740.
- Prakash, S., Norouzi, H., Azarderakhsh, M., Blake, R., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2017). Potential of satellite‐based land emissivity estimates for the detection of high‐latitude freeze and thaw states. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(5), 2336-2342.
- Seo Dugwon, Tarendra Lakhankar, Brian Cosgrove, Reza Khanbilvardi, Xiwu Zhan, (2017) Applying SMOS soil moisture data into the National Weather Service (NWS)’s Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) for flash flood guidance application, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 8, Pages 182-192,
- Pérez Hoyos, Isabel, Nir Krakauer, Reza Khanbilvardi, and Roy Armstrong. 2016. “A Review of Advances in the Identification and Characterization of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Using Geospatial Technologies.” Geosciences 6 (2). doi:10.3390/geosciences6020017.
- Pérez Hoyos, Isabel, Nir Krakauer, and Reza Khanbilvardi. 2016. “Estimating the Probability of an Ecosystem to Be Groundwater Dependent Based on the Evaluation of Tree Models.” Environments. doi:10.3390/environments3020009.
- Etienne, E., Devineni, N., Khanbilvardi, R., Lall, U., (2016), Development of a Demand Sensitive Drought Index and its Application for Agriculture over the Conterminous United States. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 219–229. doi:
- S. Kraatz, R. Khanbilvardi, P. Romanov. 2016. River ice monitoring with MODIS: Application over Lower Susquehanna River. Cold Regions Science and Technology.131, 116-128.
- Ousmane Sy Savane *, Brian Vant-Hull, Reza Khanbilvardi, Shayesteh E. Mahani (2015). “Effects of Aerosol on Cloud Liquid Water Path: Statistical Method a Potential Source for Divergence in Past Observation Based Correlative Studies” Atmosphere 2015, 6(3), 273-298; doi:10.3390/atmos6030273
- Tesfagiorgis, K. B., Mahani, S. E., Krakauer, N. Y., Norouzi, H., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2015). Evaluation of radar precipitation estimates near gap regions: a case study in the Colorado River basin. Remote Sensing Letters, 6(2), 165-174.
- Norouzi, H., Temimi, M., AghaKouchak, A., Azarderakhsh, M., Khanbilvardi, R., Shields, G., & Tesfagiorgis, K. (2015). Inferring land surface parameters from the diurnal variability of microwave and infrared temperatures. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 83, 28-35.
- Karimi Maryam, R. Nazari, B. Vant-Hull, and R. Khanbilvardi., 2015. “Urban Heat Island Assessment with Temperature Maps Using High Resolution Datasets Measured at Street Level” The International Journal of the Constructed Environment. Vol. 6, Issue 4, Pp:17-28.
- Infante Corona Jose A., J. Nunoz, T. Lakhankar, P. Romanov, and R. Khanbilvardi, 2015. Evaluation of the Snow Thermal Model (SNTHERM) through Continuous In Situ Observations of Snow’s Physical Properties at the CREST-SAFE Field Experiment”, Journal of GeoSciences. Issue 5. Open Access. ISSN 2076-3263.
- Pérez Hoyos, Isabel, Nir Krakauer, and Reza Khanbilvardi. 2015. “Random Forest for Identification and Characterization of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems.” WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 196: 89–100. doi:10.2495/WRM150081.
- Infante Corona, Jose A., T. Lakhankar, Soni Pradhanang, and Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014. “Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Weather Forcing Data Analysis for Streamflow Simulation”. Journal of Hydrology 2014, 1, 89-111; doi:10.3390/hydrology1010089
- Brian Vant-Hull, Maryam Karimi, Awolou Sossa, Jade Wisanto, Rouzbeh Nazari, Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014. “Fine structure in manhattan’s daytime urban heat island: a new dataset”, Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 8., N.1 (2014).
- Reza Khanbilvardi, Tarendra Lakhankar, Nir Krakauer , Rouzbeh Nazari , and Al Powell, 2014) Remote Sensing Data and Information for Hydrological Monitoring and Modeling, Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Edited by Saeid Eslamian Edited by Saeid Eslamian, CRC Press 2014, Pages 505–516, Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5246-3, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-5247-0, DOI: 10.1201/b16683-25.
- Reza Khanbilvardi, Marouane Temimi, Jonathan Gourley, and Ali Zahraee (2014) Satellite- Based Systems for Flood Monitoring and Warning, Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Edited by Saeid Eslamian, CRC Press, Pages 515–530, Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5241-8, DOI: 10.1201/b15625-26.
- Al-Suhili, Rafa, and Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014, “A Multi-Variables Multi-Sites Hydrological Model Using Relative Correlations”, American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol.3, Issue 6, PP:154-168
- Al-Suhili, Rafa and Reza Khanbilvardi, 2014, “Frequency Analysis of the Monthly Rainfall Data at Sulaimania Region, Iraq”, American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Pp: 212-222.
- “Remote Sensing Data and Information for Hydrological Monitoring and Modeling” By Reza Khanbilvardi, T. Lakhankar, A. Powell, and R. Nazari, in Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. CRC Press, Published March 21, 2014.
- Lakhankar, T. Y., Muñoz, J., Romanov, P., Powell, A. M., Krakauer, N. Y., Rossow, W. B., & R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013). CREST-Snow Field Experiment: analysis of snowpack properties using multi-frequency microwave remote sensing data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(2), 783-793.
- Seo, D., Lakhankar, T., Mejia, J., Cosgrove, B., & R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013). Evaluation of Operational National Weather Service Gridded Flash Flood Guidance over the Arkansas Red River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 49(6), 1296-1307.
- Munoz J., J. Infante, T. Lakhankar, R. Khanbilvardi, P. Romanov, N. Krakauer, and A. Powell (2013) Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing for Snow Cover and Snow Water Equivalent Estimation, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, ISSN: 2231–4784, Vol.: 3, Issue: 4 (Special Issue).
- Chaouch, N., Leconte, R., Magagi, R., Temimi, M., & R. M. Khanbilvardi (2013). Multi-stage inversion method to retrieve soil moisture from passive microwave measurements over the Mackenzie River basin. Vadose Zone Journal, 12(3). vzj2012.0134.
- Temimi M., T. Lakhankar, X. Zhan, M. Cosh, N. Krakauer, A. Fares, V. Kelly, R. Khanbilvardi, and L. Kumassi (2013) .”Soil Moisture Retriveval Using Using Ground-Based L-Band Passive Microwave Observations in Northeastern USA”,, Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/ vzj2013.06.0101
- Medeiros, Stephen C., Scott C. Hagen, Naira Chaouch, Jesse Feyen, Marouane Temimi, John F. Weishampel, Yuji Funakoshi, and Reza Khanbilvardi. (2013) “Assessing the Performance of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Tidal Model Using Satellite Imagery.” Remote Sensing 5, no. 11: 5662-5679.
- Lakhankar T., Azar A.E., Shahroudi N., Powell A. and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), Analysis of the Effects of Snowpack Properties on Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature and Emissivity Data, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, 101, doi: 10.4172/jgrs.1000101
- Chaouch, N., Temimi, M., Romanov, P., Cabrera, R., McKillop, G. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2012), An automated algorithm for river ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River using the MODIS data. Hydrol. Process.. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9548
- Chaouch, N., Temimi, M., Hagen, S., Weishampel, J., Medeiros, S. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2012), A synergetic use of satellite imagery from SAR and optical sensors to improve coastal flood mapping in the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrol. Process., 26: 1617–1628. doi: 10.1002/hyp.8268.
- Vega-Martinez, Z., Temimi, M., Anderson, m. C., Hain, C., Krakauer, N., Rabin, R., & Khanbilvardi, r. (2012). Towards a better monitoring of soil moisture using a combination of estimates from passive microwave and thermal observations. IAHS-AISH publication, 42-45.
- Stuart Gaffen, Cynthia Rozenzweig, Reza Khanbilvardi, Danielle Grillo, Adam Freed, and Emma Hartung, 2012.”Bright is the new black-multi-year performance of generic high-albedo roofs in an urban climate”.In Environmental Research Letters, 7 (2012) 014029 (12pp). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014029.
- Norouzi H. Temimi M. Azarderakhsh M. Khanbilvardi R. (2012) Using Microwave Brightness Temperature Diurnal Cycle To Improve Emissivity Retrievals Over Land. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 123, August 2012, Pages 470-482.
- Chen C., Lakhankar T., Romanov P., Helfrich S., Powell A., Khanbilvardi R. (2012) Validation of NOAA-Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) by Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements over Continental United States. Remote Sensing. 4(5):1134-1145.
- Lakhankar T., J. Munoz, P. Romanov, A. M. Powell, N. Krakauer, W. Rossow, and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), CREST‐Snow Field Experiment: analysis of snowpack properties using multi‐frequency microwave remote sensing data, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 8105–8136.
- S R Gaffin, M Imhoff, C Rosenzweig, R Khanbilvardi, A Pasqualini, A Y Y Kong, D Grillo, A Freed, D Hillel and E Hartung (2012) Bright is the new black—multi-year performance of high-albedo roofs in an urban climate, Environmental Research Letters, 7 014029
doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014029 - Chaouch, N., Temimi, M., Romanov, P., Cabrera, R., McKillop, G. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2012), An automated algorithm for river ice monitoring over the Susquehanna River using the MODIS data. Hydrol. Process.. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9548
- Lakhankar T., Azar A.E., Shahroudi N., Powell A. and R. Khanbilvardi (2012), Analysis of the Effects of Snowpack Properties on Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature and Emissivity Data, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, !:101, doi: 10.4172/jgrs.1000101
- Norouzi, H., Rossow, W., M., T., Prigent, C., Azarderakhsh, M., Boukabara, S.A., Khanbilvardi, R., Using Microwave Brightness Temperature Diurnal Cycle To Improve Emissivity Retrievals Over Land. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 470-482, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2012.04.015, 2012
- “Water Reuse and Sustainability” by R. Nazari, Saied Eslamian, and R. Khanbilvardi. Chapter 11, in “Ecological Water Quality-Water Treatment and Reuse” Edited by Kostas Voudouris (ISBN 978-953-51-0508-4). InTEch Publications.2012. PP:241-255.
- “Satellite-Based Systems for Flood Monitoring Warning” By: R. Khanbilvardi, M. Temimi, J. Gourley, and A. Zahraei. in Handbook of Engineerin Hydrology: Vol. 2: Modeling Climate Changes and Variability. Published in 2014, eBook ISBN 9781466552364
- Norouzi, H., M. Temimi, W. Rossow, C. Pearl, M. Azarderakhsh, R. Khanbilvardi, “The Sensitivity of Land Emissivity Estimates from AMSR-E at C and X Bands to Surface Properties”, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 3577-3589, doi:10.5194/hess-15-3577-2011, 2011.
- Azarderakhsh, M., W. Rossow, F. Papa, H. Norouzi, R. Khanbilvardi, “Diagnosing water variations within the Amazon basin using satellite data”, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JD015997, 2011.
- Temimi, M., Lacava, T., Lakhankar, T., Tramutoli, V., Ghedira, H., Ata, R. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2011), A multi-temporal analysis of AMSR-E data for flood and discharge monitoring during the 2008 flood in Iowa. Hydrological Processes, 25: 2623–2634. doi: 10.1002/hyp.8020
- Temimi M., Romanov P., Ghedira H., Khanbilvardi R., Smith K., (2011) Sea-ice monitoring over the Caspian Sea using geostationary satellite data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, (6).
- Nazari, R. and Khanbilvardi, R. (2011) Application of dynamic threshold in sea and lake ice mapping and monitoring, Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, pp.37–46.
- Temimi, M., R. Leconte, N. Chaouch, P. Sukumal, R. Khanbilvardi, and F. Brissette., (2010). “A Combination of Remote Sensing Data and Topographic Attributes for the Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Soil Wetness”, Journal of Hydrology Vol. 388, pp:28-40.
- Seo D., Lakhankar T., and R. Khanbilvardi, (2010) Sensitivity Analysis of b-factor in Microwave Emission Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval: A Case Study for SMAP Mission.Remote Sensing. 2(5):1273-1286.
- Lakhankar T., Jones A.S., Combs C.L., Sengupta M., Vonder Haar T.H., and R. Khanbilvardi (2010) “Analysis of Large Scale Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture Using a Geostatistical Method Sensors, Vol. 10(1), pages 913-932.
- Lakhnakar T., Krakauer N.Y., R Khanbilvardi (2009), Applications of microwave remote sensing of soil moisture for agricultural application International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering, Vol. 2(1), pages 81-91.
- Lakhankar, T., H. Ghedira, M. Temimi, M. Senqupta, R. Khanbilvardi, and R. Blake (2009), “Non-Parametric Methods for Soil Moisture Retrieval from Satellite Remote Sensing Data” Remote Sensing, 1(1), 3-21.
- Lakhankar T., Ghedira H., Temimi M., Azar A.E., and R. Khanbilvardi, (2009) “Effect of Land Cover Heterogeneity on Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data”, Remote Sensing, ISSN 2072-4292.
- Gaffin S.R., Khanbilvardi R. and C. Rosenzweig (2009), “Development of a Green Roof Environmental Monitoring and Meteorological Network in New York City”, Sensors, 9(4), 2647-2660.
- Tang, H.S., T.R. Keen, and R. Khanbilvardi, (2009). “A Model-Coupling Framework for Nearshore Waves, Currents, Sediment Transport, and Seabed Morphology”. Journal of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Elsevier Publication, Vol. 14, Issue 7, pp: 2935-2947.
- Mahani, S., and R. Khanbilvardi. (2009). “Improving Sensed Rainfall Estimates Over Radar Gap Areas by Merging with Radar Rainfall”, International Journal of Terra Science and Technology, Vol.1, No. 1. Pp:9-20.
- Mahani Shayesteh E., Reza Khanbilvardi, (2009). “Generating Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimates over Radar Gap Areas”, in the WSEAS Journal of World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEM. ID number: 28- 768S, Issue 1, Volume 1.
- Azar, A.E., D. Seo, A. Powell, and R. Khanbilvardi. (2009). “Analysis and Estimation of Snowpack Properties Using CLPX Data”, International Journal of Terra Science and Technology,Issue 1, Volume 1, March 2009.
- Gaffin, SR, Rosenzweig C, Khanbilvardi, R, Mahani, S, Glickman H and R Blake, “Mitigating New York City’s Urban Heat Island In the Era of Global Warming,” In Press at: Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geotechnical Practice Publications Book on “Urban Soil and Water in NYC,” Year 2008
- E Azar, Amir, Ghedira H., Romavov P., Mahani, S., Tedesco, M., Khanbilvardi, R. (2008) Application of Satellite Microwave Images in Estimating Snow Water Equivalent for Flood Forecasting,” Journal of American Water Resource Associations (JAWRA).Vol. 44, No. 6 Pp:1347-1362.
- S. R. Gaffin, C. Rosenzweig, R. Khanbilvardi, L. Parshall, S.Mahani, H. Glickman, R. Goldberg, R. Blake, R. B. Slosberg and D.Hillel. (2008). “Variations in New York City’s Urban Heat Island Strength Over Time and Space” Journal of Theoretical And Applied Climatology.Vol.94, No.1-2, Pp:1-11
- Reza Khanbilvardi, Vladimir Kushnir, and Sergey Stanichny. (2008). “Optical inhomogeneities of water medium in the New York coastal zone derived from multispectral satellite imageryjournal”, Journal of Research of the Earth from space, Russian Academy of Sciences. No. 3, pp1-13.
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- Stern ,David, Reza Khanbilvardi, Lorraine Janus, and Yuri Gorokhovich, (2001). “Description of Flow Through a Natural Wetland Using Tracer Tests”, in Ecological Engineering. Vol. 18, Issue 2, December , pp: 173-184.
- Blake, Reginald, Reza Khanbilvardi, and Cynthia Rosenzweig, (2001). “Hydrological Modeling of a Karstic Watershed Model vs. The GISS Land-Surface Model”, Journal of Water Resources Association (Vol. 37, No.2).
- Blake, Reginald, Reza M. Khanbilvardi, and Cynthia Rosenzweig, (2000). “Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on New York Cities Water Supply System”, Journal of American Water Resources Association, 36(2), pp. 279 – 292
- Khanbilvardi, R., V.M. Shestopalov, I.P.Onishchenko, E.Yu.Petrenko, A.G.Topor, (2000). Mathematical Simulation of the Planar Migration of Radionuclides within Agricultural Watersheds. Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny (in Ukrainian).
- Khanbilvardi, R., E. Petrenko, A. Topor, (2000). Mathematical Simulation of the Transport of Radionuclides by Water Erosion in Zones of Global Anthropogenic Impact. // Zbirka NIISP Derzhbudu Ukrayiny. (in Ukrainian).
- Gorokhovich, Yuri, Reza M. Khanbilvardi, Lorraine Janus, Victor Goldsmith, and David Stern, (2000). “Spatially Distributed Modeling of Stream Flow During Storm Events”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol. 36, No. 3. pp:1-17.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., V. Shestopalov, I. Onishchenko, V. Bublyas, and V. Gudzenko, (1999), “Role of Erosion Processes in Transfer of Radionuclides: Results of Field Experiments”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol.35, No. 4, Pp: 887-898.
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- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., Shabbir Ahmed and Ali M.Sadegh, (1992). “Boundary Integral Solutions to Unsaturated Moisture Flow Equation.” Water Resources Research, vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1425-1434.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M. and Shabbir Ahmed, (1992). “A Model for Managing Groundwater Withdrawal.” International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.16, No.1, pp.15-28.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M.Khanbilvardi and Phillip J.Gleason, (1992). “Occurrence and Distribution of Leachate in a Solid Waste Landfill: A Field Scale Study.” International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 279-285.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M. Khanbilvardi and Ali M.Sadegh, (1992). “Unsteady Unsaturated Moisture Flow in Porous Media: Boundary Integral vs. Finite Difference Solutions.” Journal of Water Resources Engineering, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 65-86.
- Khanbilvardi, Reza M., Shabbir Ahmed, John Fillos and Phillip Gleason, (1991). “Two-Dimensional Leachate Estimation Through Landfill. 2 – Numerical Solution”, In: “Advances in Groundwater”, Scientific Publication, Washington, D.C., pp. 83-124.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M.Khanbilvardi, John Fillos and Phllip J.Gleason, (1991). “Two-Dimensional Leachate Estimation Through Landfills.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 118, No. 2, pp: 306-322.
- Ahmed Shabbir, Reza M.Khanbilvardi, John Fillos and Phillip Gleason, (1991). “Two- Dimensional Leachate Estimation Through Landfill. 1 – Theoretical Considerations”, In: “Advances in Groundwater”, Scientific Publication, Washington, D.C., pp. 51-82.
- Khanbilvardi, R.M., A.S.Rogowski and D.L.Jones, (1991). “Evaluation of Point Erosion on Plots Receiving Simulated Rainfall.” Ir. Jour. of Science and Technology, vol.16, No.2&3, pp. 197-214.
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- Khanbilvardi, R. M., M.W. Akhtar and A. S. Rogowski, (1988). “Low Flow Local Scour for Cylindrical Objects.” Journal of Water International, vol. 24, No.4, pp. 839-846.
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- Khanbilvardi, R. M., Andrew S.Rogowski and Arthur C. Miller, (1983). “Predicting Erosion and Deposition on a Stripmined and Reclaimed Area.” Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 585 593.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M., A. S. Rogowski and Arthur C. Miller (1983) “Modeling Upland Erosion” Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 19 35.
- Khanbilvardi, R. M., (1983). “Soil Erosion from Upland Areas”, Ph.D. Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA